
Company profile

Traktorbolt Kft was establish in 1997 with 3 person, presently we have 18 collegues. Our staff acquired practise in the field of food, milk and agricultural industrial engineering.
At the end of 2000, we have purchased a 600 m2 building for manufacturing machines on a 2750 m2 field in Szentes Industrial Park (anciently Esze Tamás barrack).
That time it was a perfect volume for us but for present day manufacturing it does not satisfy our requirements.
In march 2004, we have built a new assembly room with 120 m2 surface. Due to this we have possibility to build even 6m high machines.

In the beginnig, our profil contained mainly producing and renewing parts of agricultural machineries, engines and furthermore parts of dumpers, earthmovers, building machines, driving-gears, hydro and vehicular machines. In the last two years, we modernaized our product range and started to producing among others: inox Z fly converter, 70 tonnes – pile picking –up machinery, hydraulic power-pack drived by diesel, cereal crasher, roller-track, containers, hydraulic ramp for 20 tonnes trailer.

We are producing individualized machines, architectures, hydraulic engines and cylinders, cogwheels, chainwheels, ribbed shafts, screw machineries, and renewing petrol and diesel engine feeders, servicing, maintaining and preparing for examen of trucks and loaders.

Among our products you can also find loader instruments like combinated spoons, agricultural forks, pallet lifting instruments, hole drills, hydro-engined concrete-mixers, circle and cube shaped truss maker instruments.

We also produce hydraulic refuse pressers, paper – cutting tumblers, furthermore we plan and produce containers, trailers with air-brake and air-spring instruments, hydraulic system of animal delivery semi-trailers. What is more, we assume producing operating steam-engine models.

From our agricultural products we have to mention the outstanding circle and cube shaped truss maker instruments, combine components as cog-wheels, chain-wheels, ribbed axles, thickener cylinders and drum axles.

Our aim is that all clients could realize their desire.